Saturday, September 13, 2008


I find myself to be a person who is easily motivated and inspired, and it sometimes comes from the most unusual places. A writer/animator/director by the name of Brad Neely said this about his inspiration (which I feel I relate to): "I prefer to be a liker of things as opposed to a hater of things, so I end up being a fan of most movies and books. I can watch Regis and Kelly and get inspired."

Michelle Rago, a designer and event planner wrote: "We all have inspiration. Even those who do not consider themselves creative have interests and inclinations that inspire them, and when I say "inspire" I mean it in the truest sense of the word, which at its root means "in spirit". Being inspired simply means feeling motivated, enlivened, enthusiastic, and "in the flow".

I get criticism for watching tv too much or being on the computer all day; but I do it because it's a way for me to stay in the loop with everything that's going on: politics, sports, news, cartoons, latest celebrity gossip, design, new commercials, etc. I think if there's a method to the madness of sitting on the couch watching tv, fine, do ya thang. Stay inspired.

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